The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
© WWF-Philippines/Matikas Santos
Extended Producer Responsibility
Based on the Extended Producer Responsibility
Act of 2022, the goals of EPR initiatives are to
achieve circular economy and plastic neutrality
through establishing significance on producer’s
4.8-12.7 million tonnes
only 9%

[Graphics] EPR Infographic - Flow of Plastic materials in the Philippines 2019
EPR A Study on the Role of Producer Responsibility Organizations
PDF 2.73 MBEPR Scheme Assessment for Plastic Packaging Waste in the Philippines Report
PDF 4.32 MBEPR Scheme Assessment for Plastic Packaging Waste in the Philippines (Stakeholder Report)
PDF 2.70 MBEPR Scheme Assessment For Plastic Packaging Waste In The Philippines (FULL REPORT)
PDF 10.73 MBEPR Global Strategy No Plastics in Nature
PDF 323 KB